Maaf, saya tidak akan memperbarui quest-quest lagi karena sibuk dan questnya gitu-gitu aja kok, contoh: jawab sugesti (tanda seru kuning), bangunin pelanggan, rayu, jual minuman, jual makanan, tarik staf, kunjungi kafe xxx, pencet sesuatu di kafe teman, dll
Sorry, but i will not update quests anymore because i'm too busy and the quest is having the same rhythm, such as: answer sugestion, wake up customer, do street charm, sell drinks, sell sidedish, drag staffs, visit xxx cafe, tap your friends something, etc.
Quest Judul Urut Abjad A-H
Quest Judul Urut Abjad I-P
Quest Judul Urut Abjad Q-Z & Event Quest
Quest Arrange by Title A-H
Quest Arrange by Title I-P
Quest Arrange by Title Q-Z & Event Quest